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What we believe in

We bring a diverse and international mindset to the table which gives us an edge in dealing with complexity and cultural ambiguities.
We work together with people that are changing the status quo and have the courage to defy conventional wisdom in their industry.
We mean what we say and know what we don't know.
Long term view
We believe in alignment of interests, honesty, trust and the long-term perspective on value creation for shareholders, employees and the society at large.
Operating heritage
We are convinced that our blend of investment experience and C-level operating track record de-risks the investment as we know by experience what can go wrong.
"Our operating experience defines who we are as investors"

Responsible Investments

At Hugo Capital Partners we are strongly committed to company management that incorporates ecological, social, and governance concerns. (ESG)
Therefore, we adhere consistently to the 10 ESG principles of the United Nations Global Compact guide.
We also follow the six principles for Responsible Investment by PRI
These are voluntary and aspirational set of investment principles that offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice.
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"We aim to create lasting positive impact"
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